A Mid Year Spiritual Check-Up

A Mid Year Spiritual Check-Up July 14, 2023

Two notebooks on top of an open bible sitting on a bench
congerdesign from Pixabay

Each year I like to host a mid-year spiritual check-up with myself. We all know how crazy busy life is, just keeping up with the day-to-day, and it seems to go by just a little more quickly each year. How is it July already?! It feels like the snow just melted last month! 


I find the mid-year spiritual check-up a great time to press pause, reflect on the last 6 months, prep for the remainder of the year, and refresh myself. I hope you do too. 


In January of a new year, I always start by picking a single word and a scripture. These will be my guides for the year and they will play a role in the following steps. If you’ve not chosen either this year, no stress. You can start now and choose for the rest of the year, or put it on your calendar to do in 2024!


Gather The Following

  • Bible 
  • Day Planner / Calendar
  • Journal / Diary
  • A spiral notebook or spare journal
  • Pen (Seriously. analog, if possible for you, is the way to go for this exercise.)
  • Phone (on Do Not Disturb for the duration)


Put on your comfy clothes and it’s time to find your hideout. You’ll want at least an hour, preferably two, of uninterrupted time. Due to the sensitive nature and need for high levels of focus, I do not recommend doing this in a public space. 


1. Open with Prayer

Sit with the Lord and thank Him for the last 181 days, for getting you to this moment in time. Ask Him for insights as you work through your year and ask for wisdom when you come to future planning. Allow yourself to take time here, don’t rush.


2. Word / Scripture

Open the spiral or spare journal to a blank page and write your word of the year at the top along with your chosen scripture.


3. Bible

Open your Bible and read your scripture aloud. Let it soak in. Then back up and read the full chapter for context. Jot down anything that stands out to you from your reading. 


4. Priorities

We’re going to use the list you created from the Godly ABCs exercise. If you’d like a refresher or haven’t read this yet, please take a moment here. Once ready, write each category down on the page (A – God, B – Spouse, C – Children or Home, etc.). 


5. Deep Dive the Archive

*Caveat – Good and Bad – It’s important to look at the past 6 months with a clear view, so don’t just focus on the good or bad, but make sure to list everything of substance. 


    • Calendar / Day Planner – Run through each month pulling out significant appointments, events, and notes. Place them with their category on the page.
    • Journal / Diary – This one will take a little more time as I find it best to always read through the full entries. Allow yourself to relive them. Put a one-line synopsis of any deep revelations by their respective category. 
    • Phone – This actually breaks down into a few categories. 
      • Photos

It’s okay to take a minute to delete the 3,000 screenshots you’ve never looked at since taking them while you’re here. Tell me I’m not the only one please!

      • Recent calls

This will help you make note of who in your nearest and dearest you need to take time to call over the next week or two. 

      • Text messages

Similar to calls. Who is at the bottom of your text message list? Who haven’t you reached out to in a while? Put them on the page as a reminder to send them a gif or even a simple hi to let them know you’re thinking of them when you’ve finished the check in and the phone is off DND.

      • Notes (or the app you utilize to track thoughts, to dos, etc. digitally)

Take a few minutes to delete notes that are no longer pertinent or archive them as you prefer. Write down anything that stands out to you as you do so. Have you written down “need to look at stress reduction” 4 or 5 different times? Add it to your page.

      • Tracking apps (fitness, etc.)

This one can go quickly. Take a moment to write down anything you need to pray for assistance with and where you need to spend time thanking God for his providing of (lost 10 pounds? Say Amen!). 

      • Social media timelines / grids

Be quick here as well, do not scroll the FYP (For You Page). Only view your direct Timelines / Grids. Note down on your paper any additional events, days, and moments that stand out by their category. 


Renewed Focus


As Christians, we hold the greatest commission in our hands. This is our life’s work, our true purpose. 


Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV)


In light of Jesus’ words above and with your year’s focus word and scripture in mind, ask yourself three questions.


  1. What has gone great? 
  2. What hasn’t gone well? 
  3. Am I (look over all the notes you’ve curated) doing the best things?


Write these answers down. 


Now take a deep breath and read through all you’ve written down on the page. Write down your biggest “Got It” moment. The light-bulb learning you want to carry with you through the close of 2023. You’re going to want to also copy this down somewhere you’ll see it regularly, weekly is ideal. 



Pray, thanking God for who He is, the amazing gifts He’s provided, and the mercy / comfort given during the not-so-good or downright bad moments, January through June. Thank Him for the insights you’ve gained.


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)



Ask God for wisdom and discernment in planning and adjusting plans for the remainder of the year.  


Before you wrap up, don’t forget to use the day planner / calendar to add any new events, reminders, and to dos you’ve identified need to be there going forward (call Grandma weekly??).


Lastly, re-read your chosen scripture a final time and then – rejoin your family. 


I hope this brings you as much clarity, peace, and excitement for the coming months as it always does me. Here’s to an amazing rest of the year!

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